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‘’Roll out a red carpet for yourselves deep divers because you are a star !’’

Whoever that said; ‘’You are what you eat’’, he is perfectly correct. Look at today’s world, with the media content we are feeding ourselves and relate it with the days of our forefathers. I tell you, the difference is too big. Though today I will be stretching on music and entertainment in this article. The song lyrics, the background and message of the songs you listen to, can make you the person you are. If you notice with today’s young generation the kind of music being presented to them is quite different from the Baby Boomer generation.

Music influences the kind of clothing you have in wardrobe, it influences your communication towards other people and also the type of people you surround yourself with. It mold's your personality and character. Ever wonder why those who listen to violent songs or to songs that have a sexual content without any strong message in them are most likely to live their lives without serving their purpose or become a threat to the society by any means. Those as well that listen to music with stronger messages and good content tend to become good towards the society.

It is unfortunate with the music and entertainment industry of today’s world would present harmful and non-conscious content to the people just to acquire money and fame but do not realise the huge damage being made to the masses. This industry has zombified the masses to be bad people instead of being good. Like loving your own neighbour is suddenly wrong since everyone takes advantage of each other’s love and kindness. As entertaining the songs are but the message is too sexualised, it is all about drugs, money, fame and luxury. It is no longer about peace, love, joy and purity.

Though the media industry is to be blamed, we as the masses are to be blamed too because we idolized these people to be our guidance. We have been giving them our powers for them to use them against us. We have unconsciously dwelled in their Satanic system without realizing we filled our spiritualities with dirt and our mental health with all the dis-eases such as Bipolar disorder, Depression etc. All these dis-eases, we filled under an easy box without realizing how deep this thing is. Mental and Spiritual health is not a joke but a very serious thing! It is important people should be careful with the kind of music they are listening to.

Listening to songs with a positive vibe and a good message will be a need for us as the masses, especially during the perilous times we are in. A Positive Vibration is wealth and with it, we are spiritually and mentally wealthy. Let us learn to take care of ourselves instead of letting them to destroy us. Like my favourite Youtuber; Ralph Smart from Infinite Waters says; ‘’Roll out a red carpet for yourselves deep divers because you are a star!’’


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