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According to Oxford Dictionary, motivation is a reason for person’s action or behaving in a particular way. Each and every one of us has a reason for behaving & viewing life in a certain way; either positively or negatively. In the general society, motivation is an act of courage, bravery, being the best & highest version of yourself through money & material success which ego than conscious based.

This kind of motivation still inspires people to work more harder to attain the life they want for their families and themselves. Of course, no one wants to see themselves suffering. No one wants to see their intimate ones suffering due financial challenges. This is true, we all want a luxurious lifestyle, we all want to live in big luxury mansions with the Ferrari’s and Lamborghini’s of this world but this kind of motivation should be applied when we have fixed the issues that affecting us daily in the society. Money & materials is not always the answer to happiness & inner-peace due to the fact we focus so much on the outside than what is in the inside of each and everyone of us, that we live this life through pleasing others, fitting in and conforming to the rules of the society than questioning and bringing solutions. This is the reason why many financially successful people tend to have health issues, diseases and illnesses because they placed their entire lives on money and materialism than focusing on their inner-being. Now it also makes sense that in the religion like Christianity/Islam, we are taught to take a 1 day off from 6 days of work in a week, to look for ourselves and purpose. What is now needed in this world is Self Motivation.

For my definition, self motivation is through being the Best & Highest version of an individual through inner-peace & happiness. It brings a person closer towards knowing their Godly Purpose on this planet than just to survive and make money. The person is deeply concerned with the societal issues transpired and is passionate into bringing solutions. People who have this type of character are not focusing on dominating & being charm offensive to the masses, but they are more focus on bringing positive change to this world through questioning the traditions, custom & beliefs of the society and creating alternatives than just conforming to the world of confusion e.g. A self motivated person that runs a food retail supermarket. He is the owner & sells Non-GMO food products because he wants to eradicate health issues transpired for many years on this planet. He knows the food people consume daily might not be healthy as been said in the media adverts because of the harmful chemicals being implemented which people consume daily and this could be a detriment of their health and yet no one is doing anything about it. So the retail market owner is definitely passionate of making the world a productive and healthy society through selling and distributing high quality, healthy and Non-GMO food products

There are many ways people can self motivate themselves, which is easy and simple to do. You do not need to hire a practitioner or therapist. The only person that is needed is you and you only:

  • Practice Loving yourself

  • Being grateful & happy with what you have

  • Focus on purifying your thoughts and heart

  • Focus on being positive and hopeful

  • Heal and make peace with your past traumatic experiences. Forgive and Let go of whoever or whatever that is taking away your peace

To start implementing strategies I have mentioned above, you have to:

  • Start with your spiritual life: Which is the most important of all. If you have issues going on in your life, seek the truth than just waiting for the truth. This could be in so many ways; you can either pray about it, meditate about it or even consulting a trusted spiritual person so that it will be easier for you to navigate to the light.

  • Get used to praying, meditation and declaring positive things in your life but ensure you have faith/ being willing to change your life for the better

  • Read books, watch videos or even listen to podcasts that encourages positivity and optimism. That way this will rewire your mindset to view life in a more positive manner

  • Be careful what you watch & listen to daily. It is very important, to watch & listen to a content that makes you being the best & highest version of yourself. You cannot be highly conscious and still listening and watching toxic media content. Change your media content you consume daily; either on your phone, TV/ radio

  • Surround with positive people. It is very important to be cautious with who you surround with, especially in this modern day; where most people embrace values and traditions that are out of their character and out of spiritual balance. Surround with those who encourage you, those who have a wiser and good conscious as one individual’s conscious is transferable to the next person and at times exchangeable. You are who you hang out with. So stay with your tribe, do not mix everyone in your life


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