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Updated: Aug 26, 2022

They say "knowledge is power, but you're powerless if you have it and you do not acknowledge it". In our society, we spend too much time worrying, about material wealth, our next meal, worrying about the way we look, romance, health etc. for instance, if you

happen to have load shedding before charging your cellphone, it feels like a big part of yourself is missing. This is because we have gotten used to seek outside ourselves and not realising we make a bad habit by getting ourselves dependant on things that do not develop us positively in our lives.

Imagine If there was not any kind of media influence, would anyone be worried about their physical looks?The comments of people shaming other people of certain weight and commending the other? The latest Fashion trends?

These are some of the things that I see as the "Power of the media and Influence". Nowadays, it is Easy to let the media decide how we should live our lives. Example, South

Africa is extremely affected by alcohol abuse but the media intensifies adverts so much on it. On the advertisement, it does not seem like a problem, because we will see well dressed, well spoken people drinking, which programs the society to perceive it as a "coolest thing ever" the adverts do not cover the accidents on the

roads due to alcohol nor domestic violence caused by it

Relationships are being ruined by expectations presented by the media, I'm not trying to imply that media is harmful to our society, because it is a vital tool for communication and for the society to prosper.

But as I mentioned in the beginning

"knowledge is power, but you're powerless if you have it and you do not acknowledge it". We should not let the media be our decision maker, rather let it present things we should think about, instead of presenting how we should think about things affecting us daily.

What I can say is the same way you watch TV is the same way you eat

We should watch what we consume in the media ~ Musa Mazeka


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