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By: Futuristic K Molapo

Now you all wonder what I am trying to define coming to this phrase right? According to Dictionary.Com, the definition of the Soul is the principle of life, feeling, thought and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part. It can be the spiritual part of humans regarded in it's moral aspect, or as believed to survive death and be subject to happiness and as well the emotional part of human nature; the seat of the feelings or sentiments.

Though in this case is a psychological-human experience, sometimes spiritual. An Old Soul is someone that matures at a very young age. He does not like to fit in the mainstream societal expectations. He loves to lead the life on his own. He is not understood by many people as they classify him as a quite/ thoughtful person. He does not like superficial life but yearn for a purposeful life.

Signs You are an Old Soul

  • You love spending time alone

  • You love knowledge ,wisdom and truth

  • Your spiritual side of you is very connected to your physical being

  • You have had a past life

  • You love the time of reflection

  • You are empathic

  • You feel matured more than your age mates

  • You Intune to rejuvenate your energy

I wish this kind of subject would be included in the school educational system, maybe there wouldn't be so much stereotypes against such people. The society would accept one another for who they are rather than being egocentric and competitive


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