No one can stop you from following your dreams except you
Spiritual gift a special divine empowerment bestowed on every person through the particular spirit possession to accomplish a given spiritual task in the world. When we talk of spiritual gifts we talk of our talents and capabilities to change the world through our given missions by The Most High and our ancestors. You can be gifted in so many ways, you can be a Traditional Healer/Prophet, a Math's Analyst, a Western doctor, teacher, an artist etc. It does not necessarily mean you should become a prophet but to fulfill the purpose being given by The Most High and your ancestors, though Prophecy fall in that category.
It is true we need a bit of a financial backup just in case of emergency, which makes sense and that is why we have jobs considered as stable and paying jobs but not passionate to work around in. But in most cases we often choose money before ourselves. We worry so much about money but without worrying about our purpose. Yes it is true life without money can lead you to a disadvantage, especially when you keen to follow your passion. Though being to safe and not taking any risk to follow your passion can result you in giving up. You might end up on a what we call a LOST SOUL(I will touch up on this one next time).
You might end up chasing money without realizing you are earning little than you should have earned through your passion because you are focusing on the wrong path. YOU FOCUSING ON THE WRONG GIVEN GIFT! That is not YOUR JOURNEY!
That is why we find many people are not blessed enough by the spiritual realm through the manifestation to the physical, this is because they have never taking their gift seriously. You will wonder why other people cannot have children. Some are not married. Some end up with wrong life partners. Some do not have peace and harmony in their lives. Some experience a Marital Delay and also some who cannot connect easily with their ancestors.
Taking and embracing your God-given gift is precious, at the same time priceless. It also helps you to develop your spiritual capabilities and as well to align well with your chakras.
It is unfortunate the Current Babylon system numbed us down to be thinking money is everything before passion. That is why some people end up selling their souls and spirits for fame and money. Some who want to follow the route of passion are discouraged to follow their destiny because of brokenness. Some end up being unconscious slaves, you will wonder why they put negative remarks on their workplaces(Complaining, Being lazy to work, Not being competent etc.)
Your gift aligns with your passion and your purpose. And they can all beat better than money. For as long they do not harm anyone, no one can stop you from following your dreams except you. Let us live our lives with a purpose than bending our backs to become slaves of money because money at the end, will follow your passion