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Entrepreneurship and Invention if new products is the solution to society today. The society needs it ever more than the politics of this world. Many of us are trapped into following the life routine that our parents and our grandparents used to follow regarding work and employment. It is unfortunate those days were a person has to work like a slave are gone. That is why many people all around the globe are losing their jobs daily especially in this period when the scamdemic has started.

It is right to be true that we need to change our old ways of thinking and re-strategise to find employment because the government is not clearly doing that but the opposite of it. We live in a liberal society without any limits. We live in a world of creativity but yet we are convinced that the so-called government or in the right terms; the agents of Babylon will take care of our needs and wants while we have the power to do it on our own.

Many people do not realise the things that normally mentally and financially entrap us are doing more damage than it is now. I am convinced that factors like Governmental Social welfare System are part of this oppressive system. As much they do a difference but it is not much. How can R350 a month can solve all your expenses while you can earn as much than that through trading online? I will encourage people that they need to spend this R350 on investment, trust me it will help.

We also need to change our mindset towards money if we really want a financial freedom through words of affirmation. Remember Money is energy as well. Many people will say money is the root of all evil, which is lie! We are the ones let evil to control us so that we can glitch our hands towards money. And that must be changed. Really though this needs to stop on a very serious note because the GOLD mine is under our feet though it is up to a man to be open-minded or not.

If we continue depending on politicians or political leaders to make a difference in our lives then you have it wrong. You tend to forget that you are your own president! Own it to yourself before someone come to you and gives you empty promises of heaven and earth! Think critically and wise enough to dig out the GOLD pieces you are looking for.

Like what the world’s famous rapper; Kendrick Lamar said on his song called ‘’Poe Man’s Dream’’ I like the last part of the lyrics that says ‘’Exercise your wisim and don’t depend on no one else’’

Let us invent something of our own to solve the issues we facing in our society though through humanity and not only for the sake of profit. Let us keep circulating the capital in our neighbourhoods than overloading them to foreign sides just for the sake the development of our community because the current system does not care what we as Africans are going through.


  • It stops us from migrating to cities

  • It lessens division amongst people/ neigbours

  • It encourages unity and harmonious peaceful neighbourhoods

  • It increases levels of infrastructure

  • It lessens the percentage of crime

  • Encourages Black Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Empowerment

  • It improves a person’s standard of living


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