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Spiritual Health

By: Betswe Masege

What is Spirituality

Spirituality is what makes the human race, especially Africans

Spirituality is what makes the human race, especially Africans. Before the flesh, we are a soul that needs to be taken good care of. As people it is important for us to take good care of our spirits because when our spirits are well, then so our body and mind. There are many ways that could you’re your spirit ill and there are also different ways or practices that could heal you.

What are the 4 main elements in the spiritual and what are the functions

There are 4 main elements in the spiritual world namely; Water, Fire, Earth and Air. The are the rulers of the spiritual world. These rulers work differently. Firstly, water is mostly used as a communicator of the water-spirited people, it symbolizes washing away negative spirits away from your life. Fire is used as light and guidance into your life. It is also used to fight and burn all the unseen and unwanted spirits. Most negative spirits cannot stand heat, so when you are around fire and feeling extremely hot, the unwanted energy in your body is easily getting rid of. Earth is the combination of everything, spirits of fire, water and air work just to destroy the unseen forces. (air).

How is your spiritual life formed and affected

In most cases, people’s spirituality is affected by their surroundings and the company they keep, be it family or friends. In some situations, some people can dislike you just because things in that your life are going well, which is common in African communities and the whole world at large. One thing people should know is, not everyone will be happy for your success and in most cases your success and destiny can stolen by those closer to you.

As a person, it is a privilege to be careful with the type of company you keep because it is not about the time you have known your company but the experiences and hardships you went through together and knowing how they would react to different situations.

How is negative universal energy is attracted

You need to know about your company’s spiritual perspectives, culture and beliefs in order to protect your spiritual space because the last thing you want in your life is danger because you and your company believe in something different. A friend or family member can turn your life upside down and it might take you a while to realize because you are trusting them enough or you not educated enough on spirituality and universal energy.

Some people can attract negative energies in the form of money because quick money on its own attract a lot of energies in a sense that you are not working for it in the physical world but sacrificing other people’s blood or souls in the spiritual. Which is dangerous and causes dirty energy to the universe and the physical. Remember what we call unto the universe it manifests to the physical and sometimes it makes the world wicked and heartless, just like today’s modern world due to focusing on the negative the energies and also encouraging people to do the same thing. The better energy we call unto the universe, the better the physical world becomes.

It is easy to attain quick money in the spiritual world and to victimise people because someone you may know introduced you to a flashy and ‘’soft life’’. That person might influence you to join in and enjoy the kind of lifestyle they are living with them without knowing you have given your life to the unknown world and once this is done, it is difficult to get out off it. People must be warned about this, once you live the ‘’soft life’’, there is always something very important to you that is supposed to suffer. It may be your love life, your family life, your social life or even these three at the same time. For you to have a soft life the only thing that will be needed from you is to work smart and also work more in your spirituality.



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