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Knowledge without Wisdom is like Water in the Sand~ African Proverb

We are taught from time to time that an elderly person knows best. He knows the world because of his hardships and experiences he went throughout his entire life. But as he gives us his teachings, advices and traditions, it is always important to take heed on the level of the consciousness he is in, because the modern life we are living in, where we are much exposed to a lot of information and knowledge, wisdom is the key to all

You can know all and not have wisdom. An elderly person can know all the things but if he does not have the wisdom, he is doom as dead. Hence why there is a lot chaos in our lives due to the fact we took each every teaching an elder taught us, word for word, without understanding that we can take some of their teachings with us and dispose others that are questionable

Reason being is you will never know if the elderly person we rely on has truly healed, that if he can spread love through his influence, though it is better we find and know ourselves instead of blindly following traditions of men that you might not have clue why they are being taught and seen as convenient. It is important to take heed to the frequency our elderly people are on, especially with the separation we notice in many families, where young people get more enlightened than them, because of the exposed information they receive daily. This where children come in, where they are looked down upon because of their age, however, children are more closest to God more than anyone on Earth, it is important that parents must take heed in each and everything the child says, especially the prophetic or spiritual related topics, sometimes they might say all they say without knowing it through the Most High by giving you a solution that you need.

Hence, An elderly person lives in all of us. The kind of experience you have, the information you share with the world, is based on your present living experience not knowledge, hence it is important to have wisdom which is understanding because Knowledge is Power but without Wisdom is like Water in the Sand


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