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African Philosophy

"You Are The Creator Of Your Own Reality"

You Create Your Own Reality whether you are conscious of it or not

Every day in our lives, we have tendencies of having different views and perceptions on life based on our life experiences, which cultivates and builds us to be who we are today. The reason where you are recently in your life is because of your belief systems, your perceptions. You manifested both the good and bad happening in your life because nothing in this world, gets better without one facing challenges. The good and bad go hand in hand to help you understand the kind of journey or route you are in your life

If you have greatness over your life, basically it will force you to take risks, which means you will have to face bigger challenges in your life. The main purpose for you to go through all of that is to help you become a better leader. To relate and help people based on the experiences you encountered in your

life, because being great is not just for fun but Pure Leadership, which requires unending love, understanding, calmness and purpose. Similar to a person who lives an easy and ordinary life, the darker side of this kind of this journey is boredom, depression, addiction, social pressure and status due to not knowing their godly purpose simply because they are chasing a life of comfort than purpose

Each and every good thing in our lives, has its own darkness, and each and every darkness reflects how far we have dealt with our darkest side of ourselves. Challenges are blessings in disguise because they are simply our spiritual teacher. Therefore it is important to be thankful for all the challenges and hardships faced because they make us wiser and knowledgeable. They are not there to destroy us but to

send us a message on how best we can improve our lives. And our lives are the way they are because of our perceptions and beliefs, that includes the people we hang around with, the media content we feed ourselves with, the kind of food we eat daily

You are the Creator of your own reality. Your challenges will always be in your life, but it will be up to you to use them as a channel to be a better person or not. Knowing who are is better than following social status, and following your passion fulfils than following comfort. The season of being a caterpillar is over, now It is time to be a butterfly!


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