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South African Ekasi townships On Ubuntu

Ubuntu is existing as ever, how?

Ubuntu is a Zulu proverb that says ‘’I am a person through other people. My humanity is tied to yours’’

South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu discussed that ‘’One of the sayings in our country is Ubuntu. The essence of being human. Ubuntu speaks particularly about the fact that you can’t exist as a human being isolation. It speaks about our inter-connectedness, we think of ourselves far too frequently as just individuals, separated from one another, where as you are connected and what you do affects the whole world. When you do well, it spreads out; it is for the whole of humanity’’

Though South African townships are the establishment of brutal Apartheid system, as a way of keeping its oppressing power and use against the black nation of Africa. This was done so that the system can get its hands into the country’s resources but in turn it has sort of united the kasi township people of South Africa

Here are points you need to know the spirit of ubuntu exists in South African Ekasi Townships:.


In the African culture, whoever that buys food has to share it with everyone in the house. Normally for a black South African culture in general, a large pot of food is prepared for the family. Most relatives and even those around the township are invited as everyone gets a share, even if it means the share is small, what actually we doing is to spread the spirit of love and care amongst us so that one day in case one might need help a hand from the other, the help will be received


When you live in a closed and small space..everyone knows what is happening in your daily life.

Normally township houses are small and tiny. Though a small house in a township a space is shared at it’s own best. A lounge room sofa will be probably someone’s bedroom at night. Privacy is not culture for Ekasi township people. When you live in a closed and small space with many people, everyone knows exactly is happening in your daily life.

Luckily though, during the course of the day, people in the township often spend a lot of time outdoors in the streets until at night, which simply means you can all the house to yourself if you are an indoor type of a person or even value privacy.



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