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It is beautiful that the new era has come, where love reigns than fear. To be honest the New Year 2022 is a great dealer of success, love, happiness and all the positive things we all craved for. It is not just any other New Year but a new season. It is so pleasing that people all around the globe are waking up to their own true sense of themselves. People are questioning the system, the way of life and all the things being taught in the society. A lot of global events had transpired in the last 3 years and it has really changed on how we view the world.

In as much is scary but at the same time it is a sign of us being authentic to ourselves than being synthetic. I am happy that the society that we knew before does no longer exist. The society which had dwelled mostly on Ego and Emotionalism, it has broken. It is so refreshing and I wish to see more and more people stand up for their truth than what they have programmed see the society to be real and honest. And I truly know we will win this war.

My courage is that we should continue working on ourselves spiritually, mentally and emotionally on becoming the best and highest version. Let’s heal and let go our hurtful past experiences. Let go of toxic and narcissistic people and things that do not make feel better of ourselves because beautiful days are here

By: K Molapo

The Editor, Writer and Founder


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