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While many of you are celebrating the fact that your sex lives are being “spiced up”, many of those who are into this industry, showing people all different ways how to have a sexual intimancy with a loved one, could be actually robots. When i mean robots I am not talking about an actual robot but a person who doesn’t have feelings of expression, who fail to feel and know what is it to a human. Who is not allowed to feel any emotion as it is required. Most of the business owners of this business are sociopaths and narcassissts. But, as you decide to scroll over and watch their vidoos and audios, does that make you one? We do not know but as we know we are what we consume, through our mindsets, our thinking and how we perceive life. We are what we eat and we are the Creators of our programme

This article is not to bring division, nor judghemne, it is to bring solutions to the problems we all face daily, in our lives. You cannot call yourself a Woke, Guru, or Ascended, yet you still watch Porn, indulging in dangerous sexual activities with people who are not spiritually clean. What we call, is high level of hypcrisy. You can connect all the dots of this Patrix, but if you not ready to believe in yourself, why do you call yourself woke? Yes I am on Earth, and sometimes, I do experience a little of downfall in my life. Sometimes, I would wish to have sex with just any donkey or cat I come across. I sometimes, feel to go back to my old life, where i constantly engaged in dangerous sexual activitiess that would endager my life, or entrap me in this Patrix. It is normal, we are all having a human experience, sometimes. The route we are in, is not always rosey but we have to try harder than we are doing. Sometimes to try harder, is to leave watching pornography, masturbating, going to strip clubs, or even sleeping/ engaging sexually with prostitution. This may seem harder but it is worth a try and it is worth it in the end


The industry started in parts of Eastern Europe, since there was a higher level political power competition amongst European leaders such as the Roman leaders. It existed through traditions of the Romans through specific days such Saturia,Februata etc. The main purpose is to exhibit people's enegry, for leaders, to use and build their empire. This how the sex industry came. It came through this evil masculine energy that took over the feminine enegry in order to control the world. So one of the power tool to control the world, is through sex. Sex is the most powerful ritual that many use for different reasons. Some people use it to connect and elevate with their partners, some use it to empower themselves and deprive that same power from others

This is similar to the situation where a narcassisst have sex with the victim for the sake of power and control over the relationship. This industry breeds such people. Not only narcassism but sociopathy. Where it is comandable for people who are involved, to do bad to others in order to get compensation/revenue.

People who are possessed with sociopathy, tend to be pressured to do bad things to other people while they know it is not good and a part of themselves will feel sorry for their victims for what they have put them through. They feel bad for their actions yet still continue because of the money they have to earn.

In as much the sex industry, has taught us as the society to freely express our deepest sexual and romantic desires in our relationships, which had groomed our self-esteem to be higher, they also have a darker side; where many people who are involved complain about the security and safety. This topic it is not religious but spiritual. It is here to make people think deeply about the lives that they are living. I hope as you read for those who support this industry, will see the lies and deception about it


As I written in the beginning of this article, I mentioned that it breeds narcassissm and sociopathy in all people who are involved and the society at large. It focuses on sexual immorality and does not build, groom the lives of people for the better. Most cases is there to make people to be addicted to having sex than using their sexual energy to build their lives.


• It convinces the public how good sex is through sleeping with many souls in the media and the society

• It shows the most graphic sexual content on the media so that the public can get used to the idea of what having sex is like

• The kind of contenet they are showing regarding sex, is very innappropriate and less spiritual. It mostly presented on lower vibration, where people will have sex for money or just doing it for sake everyone is doing it.

• It makes the audience view less of themselves, through “having the best private part” e.g Women fighting amongst themselves on who has the "biggest buttocks" and men is about them boasting about having the best private part, which gives them platform and justification to sleep everywhere.

• It takes away people's purposes, Godly missions, gifts and talents through harvesting their enegries and giving the owners/runners of this industry an advantage to build their own empire, through the audience having sex for the wrong reasons or constantly watching pornagraphy which in return attracts demonic entities in their lives.

• It creates a torn apart society. If people could observe the living of the older generation and the younger generation, there is a huge difference. The older people used to view sex in a very higher vibrational way than the young ones of today. Hence why their societies where stronger in believing in love, peace and harmony while this generation focus on fear, violence and hate. Families are torn apart because of the wrong idea we got from the media about sex. While sex should be something for the use of building connection than this all gibberish we have been taught about sex both in school and media.

• It breeds and normalises pedophilia. Observe the brains of adults who are into sex addiction and those who are into drug addiction. The best one to take care of children, even when is not capable due to the health situation, is a drug addict. We heard cases where children, as young as 12 years were brought into this industry without their consent by the owners or for those who are involved since "customers" would set higher expectations on what they desire in who they want to sleep with. They describe their fantasies on how everything should be. Sometimes they would say out loud they would prefer to sleep with children for ritualistic purposes


Why isn't not connected to human trafficking? Of course it is. Look how the high number of women and children are being kidnapped everyday. The reasons why are forced to be in this industry, is the fact the owners, want power and control on a spiritual level. Hence why at times, when people want power and control, they would search for 'muti' they could use to gain all of that, sometimes they would not get the muti but being instructed by lower vibrational spiritualist to rape a child or woman. The bigger truth that would make people angrier is this, both men and women are spiritual beings but women and children are more spiritual and intiutional than men.Men are more on building physically. That is are stronger physically. Hence in the ancient times men where considered those who focus on the physical while women on the spiritual. The relationship was balanced, different what we see in today's society. Children and women hold a very strong spiritual power in the Universe, especially children, they are able to percieve danger when it comes, through expressing emotions of crying/ sometimes being moody. You wonder why many children hate "SANTA" the so-called father Christmas? It is because they already percieve the spiritual wickedness of Christmass, they see Christmas was never a day of goodness but was related to the traditions of the Roman Catholism, and the fact that "SANTA" is originated from the god that depends on killing and spilling of children's blood; Moloch.

We would hear cases where women where drugged unknowingly to get kidnapped by the owners of this business. For women who volunteered to be in this industry, got in a darkening situation, where they are sexually abused and harrassed by the male owners/ actors of this business. Their expresssions will be shut off because of the male energy that is dominated in this industry. That is many will get into drug addiction, or be ''high'' on drugs when they have to have sex with another person. In most cases they do not enjoy what they are doing, they do it for money. It is not exciting for them as it seems when they show it to the audience or customers

This industry is mostly a male energetic dominated one. Where most cases women and children are subordinates. Men will be the one to control everything on what goes in the industry. That is why I say and I will always say, this energy that had taken over, had brought in hypersexuality, diseases,illnesses, confusion, hate, fear and violence amongst all of us. It has lead us to be imbalanced that is why many people look for strategies or ways to cope with their stress and the sex industry came in the picture.

As it came, it ruined many families, marriages and relationships.It groomed people to be full of hypocrisy than logic and sense. That is why I would not be suprised when people who support this industry all in the name of "spicing our sex lives" would attack me while they should better about this. Personally for me, I do not support the sex industry, be it Pornography,Prostitution,Strip clubing etc. This business brings in a lot immoral values in our society and spiritual sickness too. It breeds a high level of teenage pregnacy, single parenthood, crime, unemployment etc.

The high level of illegal drug usage in the industry makes up of drug addicts,which creates a situation where the drug addicts are stranded, they would steal from other people such as women who are involved in prostitution.People lose the sense of creativity to start a business or do the things they love but focusing on their addiction. They lose the sense of purpose in their lives and start to live of from sex and drugs

People who are involved in the sex industry, get addicted sexually too, same as drug addicts. Hence why, especially in prostitution, women most cases will sell their bodies to sexually stimulate themselves from other people. At first, the initial plan was to get the money and live but as soon as they walk into this rabbit hole, it gets deeper and deeper which in the end turns into addiction.


Your sexual enegry is most important thing to use to develop yourself, to become the best and highest version of yourself. In order for you to easily succeed out of this Patrix, is to follow the route of celibacy, which is the highest form of self love. This way, your energy can be protected from all demons and deceptions of this world.

Sex was never evil as the religion describes it to be. It was there to create. To create soul ties with a signifact other and to create another soul. Someitmes it was there to heal yourself, maybe by sleeping with a high vibrational being, to get healing within. This was the purpose of it. But in today’s society, with the rampant of the sex industry, is for power, money and control. Mostly for power and control.

The reason why these places/channels exist, is to keep this world into the 3D, to make people operate through getting material posssessions and money. This is the initial plan as people get involved but as deep as the person gets into this industry, he/she is swallowed and plugged in to believing in the ''easy money'' coming in than changing his/her own life to live a decent life because he/she has aclimatized to that life.

• The public must be resistant to this industry, by closing down the strip clubs, drug cartels/brothels or anything related with the drug and sex industry with immediate effect. The regions must be sex and drug free

• The owners of the industry/ business including those who are promoting in the media/entertainment industry must be arrested and face a huge sentence. If they decide to start the business again/ promote a sexual content in any way after being in jail, they must face treason

• There must be campaigns where we can teach people about the arrival of sex addiction and giving out solutions on how it must be dealt with

• There must be community counselling groups for people who used to be involved in the industry and the audience too

• There must be community fun activities for both adults and children. To spark the creativity in them, in order to heal their inner-child and enjoy their lives.

• We must eradicate the societal norms about sex and teach people the spiritual aspect of sex. We also need to implement spiritual health programs where we teach people meditation and prayer techniques such as yoga, to find ways to relax and calm themselves when they are in stressful situation

Watching porn, sleeping with a prostitute, sleeping around with random people, selling your body etc. it is like visiting a dead end. Sex addiction is worst drug to deal with than any other drug in this world. It changes your hormones. It attracts misfortunes and impurifies your ancestral bloodline. It also impuries one's spirituality. Hence sex was also used when it is necessary. It is up to you to rewire your mind and see this how I am seeing it or see it your way. Whatever that you comfortable with because you are the Creator of your own experience. It is high time we tune ourselves on the feminine side than the masculine, we should live in balance and that is how the world will reciprocate the light we give in this world. For me I say; NO TO PORN! NO TO PROSTITUTION! NO TO DRUGS! NO TO IMMORAL VALUES!



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