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A very intriguing conversation where it got everyone talking by The year 2008 till this day, xenophobia in South Africa. The word definition of xenophobia means in Oxford dictionary; a fear or hatred of people or things/methods from other cultures or countries. The situation in the country is often related as a psychological aspect than a political, but many people are focused on the political aspect of it than dealing and seeing it through human psychological aspect of it. The article is not to offend people and to take sides but to deal with it through healing our minds, soul and hearts. The topic focuses on deprogramming than the programme we had got from the mainstream whitewashed constitutional law and mainstream media. To find solutions and find ways to unite with each other than what we are doing to each other now. The truth shall set all of us free from oppression, slavery, bondage and confusion as we are all children of The Most High Creator, Universe, Divine and Ancestors

Everyone is too scared to talk about this topic. People are scared to express their feelings about African Unity and Xenophobia that has been going on in South Africa. Many people are traumatized on what they see on TV or what they hear on the radio about this issue. Some have been experiencing it and some engaged in it from the goodness of their own hearts to support the struggle of South Africans. Well in that case I will focus on both sides of the story than being one-sided to get solutions towards this problem. Solutions are a key when found with a calm and a peaceful mind.

The history of Apartheid in South Africa is very interesting as many of people in those times, used to help each other. South Africa was a talk of a town and many of the African countries were willing to fight the Apartheid regime because of the oppression many South Africans got from the Apartheid system. During those times as well, many of our mothers, fathers, grandmothers and fathers moved to other African countries to escape the Apartheid regime in South Africa and others moved to South Africa for a better life, and indeed as time moved by, many told themselves, they will stay in those countries forever. They ended up marrying in, adapting to the lifestyle in South Africa and parts of Africa. Which is fine because at the end of the day we are all Africans regardless where we are from

The demonstration of xenophobia came in 2008 for the fact many rumours were circulating around about our African brothers and sisters, through the mainstream media, politics and social stereotypical thinking due to the programming of our South African grandparents, parents and siblings they got from the Apartheid politicians and leaders. Till this day such programs are circulated along with campaigns that demonstrate the stoppage of Xenophobia in South Africa and promotion of African Unity.

It is funny that the mainstream media and constitutional law, that says South Africa it is for all, would still promote disunity through many forms:

• Media streams/channels/movies such as comedy films that make fun of our African brothers and sisters being backward, not sophisticated enough, that they should go back ton their countries, they have darker skin than South Africans etc.

• The job opportunities being passed to our African brothers and sisters due to the fact they produce cheap labour. Where our own local brothers and sisters in South Africa would not get those opportunities rather will be encourage to go to school, and after will be promised heaven on earth while such a thing will rarely happen. Most local South Africans will stay at home, applying for jobs and their CV’s will be thrown away by those companies to make South Africans to give up on searching for a job but to depend on a social welfare which does not even cover the most basic expenses.

• We would see the promotion of African unity that promoted by some of our South African political leaders leaving out local South Africans to express their concerns by simply putting the blame on local South Africans for the events going around the country

• The very same media will publish and do scapegoating tactics towards South Africans while programming, our own brothers and sisters from Africa to think local South Africans are simply wrong and should be responsible for all the things that are happening in the country

• Issues like land in South Africa still are not solved but the system would force us to continue like life is normal. The South African economy including land, is still controlled by white people, as soon people understand this, the better

• We would also notice some of brothers and sisters from Africa would sell drugs, pimp women while working with our local brothers and sisters all because of the mentality they got from their peers about the fastest way of making money and as well the political mindset they got about South Africa from their own home countries

Hence why many South Africans particularly black South Africans are frustrated, because the system deliberately excludes them from participating in making decisions for their country in the political and economic section. Many of those of our black South African political leaders would prefer to run their things by listening to the white elites. Hence for me as the writer of this article, our African political leaders in South Africa, are nothing but puppets of the white elite system. Institutions like African Union are just sitting ducks that would go to their parliamentary houses to do a dramatic artistic act in the theatre than actually coming up with solution happening in South Africa. Everyone is busy proving themselves to be the right but no one is ready to deal with this issue because of the control of the white elite.

The psychological issue amongst South Africans is deep that has not let them cry and heal their trauma they faced during and after Apartheid but everyone was rushing for the so-called rainbow nation which in end turned into worsening situation. This psychological issue is under narcissism, gas- lighting, cognitive dissonance, depression, anger and anxiety. All are negative feelings brewed by the system to cause confusion amongst South Africans and other Africans.

We would see South Africans being succumbed by those feelings as they:

• Engage in dangerous acts of killing/murdering other Africans for “stealing their jobs, stealing their women and selling drugs”

• South Africans would not feel sorry for them but having negative emotions such as anger and disappointment towards other Africans due to the fact the political and law institutions do not listen to their concerns, nor even solving the socio-economic problems they are facing in their communities.

• Even those of our brothers and sisters from African countries, most of them will not listen to the concerns of our local brothers and sisters, instead they will shift the blame and oppress their opinions. In some cases, especially in social gatherings, we would hear sarcastic comments towards our South Africans that they are “lazy, hooligans, tend to talk but no action, they are stupid” all that stuff and hence why some of our brothers and sisters would do the things that dehumanize South Africans e.g. drug epidemic. And justify their dehumanizing acts with those comments


Though not all South Africans have anger issues towards Unity, some do support African Unity with their hearts but in most cases, this is what is faced everyday in this country and it is rarely spoken about by the media, political and lawful institutions. Everyone is busy trying to find a scapegoat than looking for the plank in their own eyes

We as all Africans whether from South Africa or Africa and the African Diaspora region, we are to be blamed. Yes the white people and Political leaders are to be blamed but we too are also to be blamed because we let the manipulation from this very system that oppresses us to define for who we are instead of defining for ourselves. A lot of people all around the world are blaming South Africans but not one is willing to look at this story with an open mind. Everyone is willing to fight against each other for this little misunderstanding which has turned into molehill. Everyone is trying to look right but no one is trying to look for the very same plank they found in other people’s eyes, in their own eyes.

The decisions we have made have put us in this situation and it is up to us to solve this. Gladly, our African youth are waking up and see the lies of this system than our elders, where they have decided to hold that mindset that does not serve us any more. Everyone is seeing the hypocrisy behind this Xenophobia and African Unity issue and I know that it is rare for people to address it in their media platforms because they are scared to be misunderstood and be attacked by others


• We must deprogramme ourselves and let go of the stereotypical thinking we have amongst us as Africans

We should stop being one sided about this issue otherwise it will escalate to the next problem as it will give the power to the elites to implement their New World Order. It will be tough but it is worth it at the end. We cannot make the unity work without deprogramming ourselves

• African Unity starts within our minds, soul and hearts

We cannot continue to deal with African Unity on the one sided story as we have always been in South Africa. What is the point of Africans blaming South Africans for their wrongs and speak about unity without checking themselves if they are too? This triggers South Africans emotions as they will be hesitant to join the Unity. This Unity campaign has as well trended in most media platforms where South Africans are excluded from expressing their opinions and concerns. We would see those platforms promoting African Unity in a very toxic and sarcastic manner

• Deal with this situation through human psychological and spiritual lens instead on the physical

Many of us are preaching about unity but when it comes to real issue such as the heart, mind and soul of a person, we shy off and say it is unafrican. We must be all given a platform to express our concerns and feelings for whatever that we do to one another. It is like in a personal household, when the entire life, a toxic parent would give an attention and care to the other sibling, the other one that has been searching for it and end up not receiving but will develop anger issues towards the parent and sibling and in turn will force to take out the frustration on the sibling that has received all the things he/she wanted from the parents. This is related to the situation in South Africa with the government on what is doing towards African Unity. Of course, there are those institutions that would promote locality in South Africa through the killing of our African Brothers and Sisters. Some of those institutions, are possibly funded by the white elites and some from their own pockets but either way, this does not solve anything but makes the situation worse. Why killing your brother or sister because of what you are listening from the white man? Instead why not promote unity in your local community through sponsoring entrepreneurship or business because it is what many South Africans lack. You also have an opportunity to promote business and entrepreneurship programming by partnering with our African brothers and sisters instead with a white man. This will not give the powers to the white supremacy system as will grow unity in Africa. You will notice that white people will even be scared to lift their finger towards what you are doing

Our psychological and spiritual well-being is mostly important than the physical hence why many people all around the world would suffer from illness such as flu, leg problems etc. it is all from the spirit and perhaps there was a certain thing that many people are not doing to heal themselves e.g. forgiveness but in this topic is about African unity and xenophobia, the hypocritical side of it that is never addressed by the mainstream society. The hypocritical side of it also affects our health too, that is why negative feelings such as unforgiveness, holding grudges, killings, grumpiness are the things that block spiritual ascension due to our own selfishness by being controlled by our emotions. We should make a heaven in Africa through uniting ourselves in our hearts, mind and soul first before the physical. Because our own mindset hold a powerful position in the spirit realm. And the Spiritual realm is way more powerful than the physical. Let us stop all this hypocrisy to reach understanding with each other and solve our problems in a civilised manner.

And my question to the South African government and authorities, a very sensitive question if I may say if our brothers and sisters are going back to their countries as you people say:

• Are the white people going to leave our land in our hands instead of taking over and making this land theirs

• Will South Africans get the chance to run their own country Economically and Politically

• Will South African acquire jobs in the ones our brothers and sisters are operating in

• Are you sure the AI will not take over the jobs and leave our local brothers and sisters out to implement the New World Order

• Are you sure you want South Africans to be removed from different parts of Africa because of this recent issue where our African brothers and sisters will return back to their countries

To others what do you think about this. I would like to hear from you. Your comment is valuable. Thank You



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