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Ever wondered why many cultural practices are done in our daily lives? Some during the funerals/ ceremonial events? This is due to the history of the breaking point to be automatically practiced. For many do not understand the concept of culture is but only know it is done due to the fact you belong in that certain tribe, kingdom or race.

The definition of culture according means according to, means the beliefs, customs, arts, etc. of a particular society, group, place, or time. It can be a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art. It is the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic,the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. As much as Culture is very important in our lives, as we need guidance, we must take it to considerations that we are all spiritual being having an external experience. We are here for a mission not to fulfill our cultures. In as much as there are cultural traditions that make up for who we are. Those cannot define our own true selves.

During the ancient times, many of the cultural practices were practised due to different physical and spiritual situations and events transpired. It was not just for fun. Hence why ancient stories especially in the African community were to told to children on how their cultures existed or even as a kingdom of certain people. Most of the African cultures practised, were done out of depth of a heart, soul and mind more than the body of person hence why the results were turned successful. But in today’s so-called “progressive culture” it doesn’t really grasp the whole concept of what culture is to an extent we perform certain cultural activities but not with pure intentions hence why people complain that these ancient cultures do not help any more little do know it is the fact they have reduced their psychic abilities to read and learn on that particular cultural practice that is done.

Cultural traditions are not man made but spiritual made, hence why we are advised to get a healer or any sort of a medium to guide a household family when performing a cultural practice like in ceremonial events e.g funerals,weddings, thanking ancestors(moletlo wa badimo) there is a strictly certain way to perform those duties under the guidance of ancestors that is why mediums exists in the first place. You cannot take a risk of performing a certain ancestral ritual without the guidance of a medium unless if you do not want a medium rather pray and talk to your ancestors about it(and prepare for your mind, soul and heart to be pure first before doing that, otherwise you will not get the answers you need)

Colonialism in Africa

We used wear skin animal clothing, most cases we would not wear a lot/dress lesser and be more naked. The reasons why is we had to connect with Mama Earth, we must know nakedness had nothing to do with hyper sexuality we have today, it had to do with connecting to nature, the source, the ancestors and animals. Nakedness was and still a very powerful thing to do when performing spiritual activities, hence why people like witches would perform their activities while naked, some people like of those who are possessed by a water sign, would go under river to get spiritual cleansing naked. Another reason of why nakedness was so rampant in these days, it was way of people getting to know who you are, that you will not hide anything about yourself like today

It is unfortunate that the clothes we dress today do make feel good of ourselves. We do not really feel confident for who are in the progressive culture because we have been too sexualised with almost everything including having sexual activities with animals, performing sexual activities in front of the eyes of everybody, so many abominal acts that I can simply become nauseous when I think of writing about them

Culture on its own can become both good and toxic. The good part about it, it gives you an identity, gives you your ancestral roots and as well your ancestral kingdom. The disadvantage about it, it can be toxic as well especially when people are not taking things in consideration when doing certain things especially on the spiritual realm e.g. sorcery was one of the wild actions been taken by the African people to use it to betray and attack one another in the family and funny enough many of them would call it ‘’it is my culture’’; One of the wickedest actions to be done in order to secure a paper bag money, how sad.

Unfortunately, in this so called progressive culture, we have adopted so many norms that are not even part of ourselves, that in the Ancient times were considered, abominable. This progressive culture has completely divided the world and has made people to be lost in the matrix. The hyper sexuality that says we are free to be whoever we want through being homosexual, or having to sleeping around collecting energies of people, putting on excessive make-up than being naturally ourselves in our skin. In as much as it has brought technology which has made our lives easier but in return it has made us lazy, even our children cannot go and play outside with the other children. This culture had made things easier to access by not going out to nature and hunt for food but in an office to put food on the table but the food consumed daily are poisonous towards our bodies, the societal values which we didn’t abide by back in the day, are abided now and considered good, our clothing and wear, some of them do not have a good message about the world, but we dress because of the beauty.

For some cultural traditions we are abiding are not defining for who we are, they are adopted through the white colonial masters especially in South Africa where most African cultures are whitewashed except for some such as Zulu, Ndebele etc. nation. It is sad how many of us as Africans judge each other’s traditions than understanding the historical event that taken place for that to exist.

We need understand that no cultural practice is perfect than another and that we practice for the sake of keeping our bloodline safe ans strengthened. Our cultural traditions define for who are but not exactly who we are because we are souls having a human experience. IT IS WAY DEEPER THAN MY CULTURE



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