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We can be labelled in the society as who we are through the good and bad causes of our lives, but when we are seen as the black sheep, this could cause a misunderstanding and most cases esteem and security issues. Belonging to a family that treats you like a black sheep is so draining especially when do you good most of the time but the appreciation you get is less or none at all.

Thato Dlhamini (24) from Maputo has went through this as well which took him a long time to finally accept and make peace about his situation. He says he had been raised by a single mother who accepted him fro who is until she passed on when he was 14 years old. His father was never there to support the family until the death of his mother. His father took him in. He took care of him but he will always ridiculed him and denied any form of emotional and mental support from his father and stepmother. His father would sometimes not give him enough food to eat compared to other siblings. Thato would complain about this to his relatives but no one could have done about it.

Thato then got himself into drug abuse and went to a rehab, from there he found a job as a cashier that helped him further his studies to become a lawyer. It took years of hard work to work on himself to become the best and highest version. He then found himself surrounding with friends and workers who treated him like family.

The psychological damages:

There are many people who have been treated like this as Thato situation e.g. drug abuse, career choices, looking physically different from the rest of the family, there are different never ending cases but this has been an emotional damage on those who through it. If family treats one family member different or starts to show favouritism from the other, it creates mental health issue as this impacts ones identity and life negatively. This is often passed down from generation to generation as this can be difficult to reach a mutual understanding since families are holding grudges against each other


One thing many do not know is, most of the things happening in our lives, are for a reason. To build us and make us better people. You chose your family before you were born. And chose this life before you came on earth. In most cases the Black Sheep are those of Chosen ones, those who have light inside them and those who have the purest heart towards the most high and sometimes you can to heal that family you in, not to fit in. In some cases the family members especially those older than you might treat you in a certain way because their auras are not matched to yours. In some cases they might be possessed by a very bad spirit in order for that spirit to get to you.

Hence why building your character, you being your higher self and succeeding on that will save you from that mess. You are a Chosen one. You are an Old Soul and you were meant to experience to the darker side of what life is before the lighter one(YIN YAN) You were meant to go through this for you have a good future in helping those who need healing from you and you do not fit in the societal standards and as well your family. Remember, you are from a higher realm than your family. So continue doing what you meant to do. Do what makes you happy and do not spend the rest of your life pleasing your family and society, because what is the point of pleasing the world while you do not please yourself.


• Do not fall into a victim mindset.

• Be compassionate, empathic and understanding

• Take responsibility for your life and build to be the best and highest version of you

• Make peace and accept the situation

• Cry, be emotional, feel the emotions, feel whatever you feel about them and take time to mourn

• Forgive them and do you

• Look and make own soul family

• Seek a professional, sometimes seek from within to get the help that you need



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