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Known as the late King Mangope’s Palace, the place is deeply rooted in rich culture, wisdom and history of the Tswana people. It has many kingdoms one could ever go to. Widely known in South Africa as the fastest developing town economically where the industries are mainly rooted in farming and mining. One the most famous Village kingdoms known as Bakagatla Kingdom; the oldest in town due to the amount of wealth it possesses in the mining industry. The Beauty of the kingdom has a Shopping Mall, Game Reserve such as Kwa Manyane and Bakgatla Gate, Mphebatho Museum that represent about the Bakagatla people and its establishment.

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Kwa Maritane Resort

Connecting to Mother nature can be stressful this time, especially in the cities however, from a long stressful of a work month or 2, one must consider taking a rest by the beach or swimming pool, even with animals and trees too. Also heavy breathing in this New Season, where many return to the Heart of Nature should be considered. Kwa Maritane resort is a place one must visit to connect to their innerselves and the Source. The resort offers a 4-star hotel, food cuisines, swimming and a Safari drive services. Even though these are the main services they offer, there are many more interesting activities to engage on when in the resort. Since it is next door to the Beautiful Sun Land; Called Sun City, Bakubung, Kwa Manyane gate etc. Activities such as bike riding, visiting an art gallery, going on a safari drive from one resort to the other are available too and many other exciting activities

Siyaya Gym

In the Village of Lerome South, the place has every gyming equipment one needs for some workout. It does not only provide gyming workouts but swimming services too. If you are a body conscious person on a vacation, this is the place to go

Moruleng Mall

The first Shopping mall to be located in a Village in the entire African continent. This is the place to go when one needs fresh clothes and a nice delish meal when going for a long eye shopping or even spending on a shopping for a whole day

Moribo Grill & Lounge

This is no ordinary Chesa Nyama but a place full of life. Meat is a life in Most South Africa, without it, life is something else. This place, sells the best grilled meat ever. And as well other food cuisines such as Caeser Salad with Chicken wings. The Lounge is also famous for musical events, by promoting both upcoming and well-known Artists, DJs, TV Personalities and Celebrities


For one artistic self, he/she has to share the experience encountered in life through art & crafts. Art & crafts is never about the beauty as it is shown in the Western media. It is deeper than that. Art speak stories of people. Either experiencing a positive or negative situation in their lives to let people know how they feel deep inside. This is expressed in many forms such as Poetry, Acting, Music, Creative writing and visual arts. All these are concepts of expression, it is unfortunate in this Morden age, art has been reduced to a point that no one takes it seriously both in business industries and peoples personal lives. Also the kind of artists we have nowadays do not raise our vibration but they are doing their work for the sake of money and fame. Art is a tool to connect to our inner being. It is an expression of oneself through the deepest of the heart, soul and mind. It is supposed to heal not to destroy. It is supposed to heal the deepest wounds our Africans face in their everyday lives. It is time to change the perception of art into more positive one and get rid of the old mindset that has crippled us to be less creative all in the name of money and fame.

Here below are pictures of a visual artist, her name is Kegomoditswe Molapo, famously known as Futuristic K Molapo. The founder of Naledi Magazine; her Art most cases represent the beauty of the culture of Africa through Photography, Drawing & Poetry. She believes that Art can change the situation faced in Africa politically, economically & mentally. She strongly believes that Africa will unite despite the circumstances it will face when it is uniting. Self Love and Higher Consciousness is what she preaches about everyday on social media, to rise the spiritual vibration of Africa, in order for it to become a better place not just materialistically, but spiritually, and mentally, so that Africa must have better leaders, parents and elders to guide the next generation. To break generational curses and allow only generational success to flow in families, to break the strong hold of the Western Life in Africa and to be next to the Source as the way it was in Ancient Kemet. If you want to follow her for more; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & YouTube are spots you can find her


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