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A relationship; whether girlfriend, boyfreind or marriage, it is a partnership between two people(for some, more people especially those in polygamous relationships). It is an energy exchange with the next counterpart which could be good/detrimental to ones person’s health.It is union formed by the Divine but in this reality, we think it is due to the fact it magically happened. Many of us are unaware that the relationships we are in, whether abusive or blissful are divinely giuded to teach us a lesson. To help us grow in life. Relationships are not what the society define them to be. We would often say “he’s my man, she’s my woman” well it is okay to set your territory as we are in the Earthly realm but spiritually,we are never owned by each other to be started with.Our romantic partners are meant to be in our lives for a reason, if not a season. Same applies to friendships and family but that is topic for another day. You might think you have it under control in your life but little do you know is that your entire life is scripted by the Divine,because you chose to script this kind of reality you are experiencing before you were born. You chose this life for a reason. Hence why you go through hardships, challenges for a reason. Hence why you live a blissful and large life for a reason. It is all in you. Everything that is happening in your life, is due to the decisions you have taken in the spiritual realm based on the type of life you'll live here on Earth. The relationships we are in are not there for pleasure/romantic reasons as many people define. They are there for teach us a light or dark situation. A lesson is not only painful but blissful too.It makes us stronger people spiritually,mentallly and emotionally, sometimes physically. The reason why romantic relatioships exist, is to make us a better and best version of ourselves through the dark and best situation. Many people are just waiting to be in a relationship to get marriad without undertanding the reason why marraige exists, but they do it anyway, to please the soicety. They do not understand that sometimes the man or woman in their lives is there as a girlfriend or boyfriend. It is possible they would get married but most cases the marriage would be sour because it was not scripted in their paths, sadly why many divorce cases are sky rocketing nowadays. Life is simple you know, yes we should take it seriously, only based on enjoying and experiencing it. Only to work on to love our selves more than fitting in the society. Life is simple when you make peace that there are romantic partners in life who are meant to be girfriend and boyfriend material. There are partners who are meant to be your wives or husbands and sometimes there is a reason why divorce is taking place. Everything happens for a reason

Romance is a beautiful thing that many of us crave for. We crave to be dearly loved by our counterparts. We do have a need that many of us cannot explain. It is okay for a normal human being to have feelings of sexual/romantic desire especially when single. In as much we are higher vibrational beings, we also have feelings because of the realm/reality we are in which is Earth. But the definition of romance in today's world has been torn apart as many people look for it in the wrong places due to the fact that they have never worked within their inner-selves. It is easy to fall in love with the next person but not easy to fall in love with ourselves.It is okay to have a backbone, to stand up for your being especially in your relationship.You and your partner might have different views in life because of your different backgrounds. Though it is not okay to dominate ones views to the next person as it will create a tension and sometimes abuse in a relstionship.

Have you ever been a relationship where everything you do or say is often taken for granted and at times being cheated on? Many people would blame the toxic/abusive counterpart but what about the victim?Some will say it is due to the fact the victim has self esteem hence why abusive partners come into the picture though there are different reasons, whatever the reason is, I accept it but the biggest reason is that the victim has relied outside than her/himself. Whatever the issues being transpired, whether self esteem or spiritual issues, She/he has gotten into love for the wrong reasons hence why she/he becomes a target for abusive partners in relationships. The victims have been so much programmed to have a victim mindset little do they know is that they give their powers to the abusers, hence why the abusers will be getting away with everything going on. Until the abuser gets the punishement he/she desreves, the victim will never happy in life.

The only way people have to be in happy in their love lives is to know themselves better. They must love themselves and embrace who they are before getting in a romantic relationship. We have been too masculine with ourselves, that the moment we get heartbroken in a current relationship, we quickly move to the next, while it is still the same result we have until we fully need to be with ourselves,be alone,because the journey of self -love is very lonely path.

YOU ATTRACT WHO YOU ARE . Energy speaks! Your counterpart will feel your vibe, and will make a decision to love you or abuse you. Another thing is,you cannot be insecure about yourself while you are in a relationship, you will mostly not get what you enticipated. In most cases the relationship with your counterpart will most turn out abusive and toxic. You cannot dislike yourself while you love the next person. Love comes fully to the next person when you have learnt to heal your brokeness and embark on your self love journey. Other reasons why many people are in relationships that are toxic is because they do not serve their purpose. They do not match with their purpose. Winners stay with Winners and Losers stay with Losers. You must stay with your own calibre. It is so impossible for the relationship to survive while the partners want different things


• Your partner does not listen to you or takes your concerns seriously especially when you have been in a relationship for too long. It is a red flag to move on with your life

• You do not have the same purpose. One wants another thing and the other does not want.e.g let’s say you want to serve humanity but your partner isn’t interested in serving humanity but just making money and isn’t supporting your idea. Then it is time to move on

• Your partner is domniating his/her views on you and does not give you a platform to express your feelings. You will feel uncomfortable around your partner whether in presence or not. Something in you will not feel good about your romantic relationship. Even during sexual intercourse, you will not feel free, you will mostly not enjoy having sex with him/her. It will be as if you having sex for no appearent reason which is dangerous because sex is used to create, so energy will be used for no reasoning.

• Often times you will feel oppressed. You will be sad and depressed most of the time. Your health will be at a bad state whether spiritually,mentally, emotionally and physically. You will feel negative most cases, even when you do something you love, you will not able to do. Something in you will stop you from doing it and you will most likely lose your focus on the most importnat things in your life

• You will know deep down, that this is the time to move. Your intiution will tell you. Your inner tells you many times to move on even when you ignore it. Sometimes it will be heavy on you


• Walk away from your current toxic relationship

· Know who you are. Take as much time to fix and heal your inner wounds

· Work on your divine gifts and talents your gifts and talents are the key towards everything you are looking for in your life. They are part of your purpose and mission do not focus on them for money but for your Godly mission

· Take time to be single for a while. Focus on your creativity and your character

· Take time to know youur conuterpart. Check and observe if he/she is on your level of consciouness.Check how he/she behaves if you bring a challenging subject. See if you are all meant to be

· You must ensure that your counterpart matches with your purpose. You cannot be involved sexually/romantically with someone that you do not match with. Otherwise this would terminate your soul contract/ purpose to be on earth and in most cases, your Spiritual guides will help you cut him/her off your life through bringing in a bad situation between the two of you

Your health is never measured only on the physical but the spiritual and mental aspect of it. Health needs to be required as well through sexual/romantic relations in a mental and spiritual form. It is sad that many people have measured it to a physical level through the sexual and romantic part of it. Like it has to be Valentines day all the time which has caused a high level of break ups, divorce rates and sometimes cheating. A human being is not a robot. Is spirit, is a soul but this world has made human beings to be seen as robots especially in the Global Health Care system. Even WHO which claimed as the higher sense cannot explain the cause of confusion happening in the health defects from people because their aim to keep people vibrating lower.

We as people need to take control of our health than going to people who can’t seem to help us so that they can get money. What is the point of having larger hospitals and clinics while there are higher level of mortality rates, why are higher levels of diseases around the world that they have a potential to be cured but instead the doctors we rely on are pretty much useless especially this pandemic. I am personally not against Western medicine methods, but I hate how things are in the World Health Care system, especially in the Mother Land. Western doctors need to work hand-in-hand with the Traditional doctors so that the disputes towards health would be resolved.



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