In this modern day, going to a groove, a night life, these are normally places for fun and joy. Such places often connect us socially, where we make friends, sometimes stable relationships that could potentially lead to marriage, or a serious intimate relationship and a good and as well, a stable friendship. This is good as it boosts our self image and as well our own social profiles. Well, as an awakened person, I truly understand why people will have to go for a night life, especially when they have good reasons to do that, and one of the reason is fun and joy nothing much nothing but if people go to the night life for the wrong reason, this could potential destroy their self worth and esteem. Such examples people going to the groove for wrong reasons are;
• To fit in the circle of a peer group
• To go there to release stress and burden
• To go there selling harmful substance such as drugs
• To sell your body to gain money
• To perform a satanic ritual through an instruction from a low vibrational spiritualist
all these activities mentioned, could potentially break the society apart.
But we often say “its none of our business, as long we not targeted, we are safe”,which is a lie because we are also affected, both indirectly and directly.. In fact by saying, it is none of our business we actually support the wickedness going in those kind of places. We should also look deeper into the kind of musical artisits we are supporting, sometimes it could artists who have bad intentions about us, through harvesting our energies and using them to succeed in their lives(this is what selling your soul is). We must careful of that especially in these dangerous end times we are in. We should listen carefully to the artists lyrics and performance in the music they make so that we can make informed decisuions about who and what we can let spiritually in our lives. Life might be harder due to the music you are listening to(Pay attention to the lyrics)
Most of these places; the night clubs, parties, etc. have negative energies hence why when people get intoxicated by alcohol or any sort of a drug, their spiritual portal is open for these energines to enter in their bodies. Hence why they will act in a certain way that is not even part of their character and personality. It is the spirit of that substance in the person’s body. Examples of the negative energies in these places are depression, anxiety, sadnness,anger etc.There is exchange of negative energies amongst people, this due to the people coming from different backgrounds to drown their sorrows in anyway in order to calm themselves down through making themselves feel good. They would come with all these negative energies along with the songs/ music background of the place they are in. This is one the elements that would cause negativity in their spiritual lives, especially when they visit those places every now and then. They are unawarely opening portals for low vibrating spiritual energies to mess up with their lives. People should know, during the night life, some people would commit immoral acts e.g having sex in public where everyone is looking and aware, killing and kidnapping etc.
This is why we will be advised in general by spiritual people,to stay indoors during the night, including not opening a door/ window to avoid different spirits coming into our lives because many things might happen at night including people conducting rituals as it can affect your life too. You would be advised to stay inddors unti 3-4 am in the morning.
I am not trying to scare anyone about this, but I am writing this article for educational purposes so that everyone, especailly the youth know ways how to take care of themselves to be purified in both lower and higher levels, to maintain and live healthy lifestyle. As a healthy lifestyle is not through the physical body only but spiritual as well, especially on the spiritual realm where it is more powerful than the physical. You can eat well and exercise daily but if your spiritual life is not in tune; you not yourself and you have not maintained a higher level of intuition and peace because freedom is peace not materialism. So let us focus on purity not money and sex
• Pray first and as well make it clear to The Most High/Universe that you only going there for fun reasons, ask them to protect you from all evil energies/ spirits you might come across
• Use spiritual herbs/remedies such salt to wash off the negative energies you might come across by after going out
• Pray again to notify your existence to the spiritual realm. Thank your guides, The Universe/The Most High Creator
• Have lot’s of rest, sleep until you feel better