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Sex is the most sacred and beautiful thing that has happened in the universe. It is unfortunate many people take it as a physical activity than a spiritual aspect of it. Remember when we were young, we were told to have sex in marriage only due to the fact that it would escalate when people have sex with different souls and spirits. This the reason why things have turned the way they are, in school we have been taught about sex education more than our parents because the system told us it is “normal” to talk about it on a public note. Which for me is not. Sex is deep and very spiritual if many people understand this, then we wouldn’t have to cry the way we crying


You get transferring of energies from the people. You and your sexual partner can exchange energies whether good/ bad. One person who is vibrating lower will vibrate higher/feel good after having sex with you while you on the other hand feel the lower and draining energy. Sleeping with a person whether you used a condom or whatever the contreceptive method, it doesn't block the fact that the person you slept with has transferred his or her own energies to you. Whether positive or negative. When you have sex, you automatically become one flesh, one soul, you practically in a marriage with the person you in sexual/romantic relationship

No condom or contreceptive can protect you from harmful negative energy.

In this world, cheating is widely accepted, especially for men, but many do not know that cheating can lead into a very serious trouble especially when you have sex with other people outside your relationship or marriage. Do you think after having sex with the next person outside your relationship, things will be the same with your counterpart? It wont be because of the collected energy of another person that is transferred into you. The relationship then can be can be either be good or bad, in most cases is bad, because there is a higher chance you slept with someone who had issues with her or his spiritual or mental problems taking them out to you intentionally or unintentionally, and this could cause a rough road in your relationship with your ''main partner''


  • Have sex with someone who’s vibrating at your level.

You are who you attract. It is always best you attract those who are at your level of thinking on a higher level. Do not have sex with just anybody

  • You have to keep in mind that sex is ritualistic and spiritual not physical.

  • Always take a normal bath/ shower after having sex or sometimes you can use herbs that can help get back your energy. Sex is ritualistic, it is there to create another energy or soul, sometimes it is there for helping you and your partner to connect on a higher level. Though can be tiring as well when not careful

  • Sex is not a need. You cannot have a mindset of having sex from time to time. A high level of Celibacy is the highest level of Self love and being on higher dimension. You cannot have sex all the time because it can delay your blessings, your confirmations, your business plans, your life plans and even to communicate with your guides. Hence why you cannot have sex everyday. At least once/few times in a year. Sometimes not at all probably after few years.


  • Delete sexual content out of your mind, your phone and TV/Radio

  • Watch or listen to a content that is less sexual

  • Stop masturbating. Masturbation for some is good and for others is not good. For as me the writer of this article, masturbation is never good because it takes away your energy to build or create something in your life. That why many people after masturbating, they relax and forget the things they suppose to be doing in life. Masturbation along with Pornography attracts dark and demonic entities in your life as well. So if you want to maintain purity and discipline in your life, you have get rid of those

  • Do something you love, look and dive more into your creativity. e.g drawing, singing, debating, reading. Whatever that makes you happy, keep yourself busy with it

  • Meditate and Pray. Spend time with nature. Talk to the trees, grass, talk to that fellow butterfly, hug a tree, do whatever it is that can make you communicate with mother earth

  • Eat healthily. More vegetables and fruits can help your hormones not trigger you to have sex. Food stuff like meat, dairy products, chocolate ,sweets and as well alcohol, are things that are not suppose to consumed from time to time

  • Educational institutions must give parents to express about what sex is than excluding them, they must consider that young people come from different family backgrounds and how sex is discussed and taken is different according to the cultural traditions etc. Than shutting off parents, they must include them during their children's presence. This will create strong relationships between them, parents and children to help each other grow. Maybe this is way to prevent teenage pregnancies

Most important of all, Celibacy is a good start to achieve a higher consciousness in you. Celibacy is the most powerful techniques to achieve whatever you desire in life. Wonder why people like Bill Gates and all the tycoons who started from stretch built their empires and succeeded, it is because during their time of working towards their dream, they didn’t have sex all the time and some they didn't at all. But stayed Celibate until they got what they wanted. Celibacy is not only for physical purposes, its spiritual. Why many people would easily secure jobs and business deals? It is because energy speaks. Once you restore your energy for a greater purpose ,everything comes in a silver platter. Not only that, this can give you a glow, confidence and braveness. If I would be a sex education teacher, I would advice people to be Celibate until they are successful and reaching a higher consciousness



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