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Herbs, leaves, flowers and all the things that are ancient medicinal purposes were used to curve and attack the problems people have with their physical, mental and spiritual bodies. One of the issues to be tackled is about our spiritual and mental health. It where we mostly neglect because of our brainwashing of the programming we got from the matrix. People must understand, we are neither robots or things that are just only having an external experience. We are souls and spiritual beings having a human experience.


To feel alive and happy, one must take measures to practice cleanliness and hygiene because as we ascend to the higher dimension, there are certain things to be done and some not to do them any more. As we ascend higher, we should leave our old and bad habits behinds to fit in the rules of the new earth.

• Project your words onto your food and water

Clean your food and drinks is one essential thing to do especially for those who just embarked on their spiritual journey. Remember how our fellow Christian brothers and sisters would shout at us that we need to pray before we eat, that is what prayer is about. Pray and declare for good things onto your food and drinks. Declare for any good thing you want in there so that you have a clean body system in you. The reason being is, a lot of the food we have been consuming from time to time have harmful chemicals especially those from the supermarkets. The GMOs are rapidly growing from the last decade which means they do a lot of havoc on our hormones and the operations of our bodies. Declare with your mouth or from your heart. Whatever that is good for you, just do it!

• Spend time with people of your vibration

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, you can never ascend higher while you spread most of your time with those who vibrate lower than you. I mean, a rotten one potato in a bag and can the whole bag to be spoilt. This is what I am talking about. It goes to this proverb that says“show me your friends and I will show you your future” you cannot spend your time with losers while you are a winner. You mostly won’t learn anything and you will feel emotionally and psychologically drained by hanging out with these people. The scare part is, some of them will have lean on your energy just to make themselves better imagine what danger it could do to you. Stay with your calibre and most importantly spend most of your time alone

• Always pray the goodness in yourself

A lot people underestimate the power of prayer because of they limit it to a religious category than a universal aspect of it. Prayer for your soul and heart is the best and good thing if you want to ascend and cleanse yourself. Remember the universe gives according to your energy. If your have a negative energy, you can do anything to cleanse yourself spiritually, you can use any muti or herbs to cleanse, communicate(Phahla)with your ancestors but if you heart and soul is not clean, then you best believe you will not get anything you want or desire. Spirituality is never and will be religious. It involves your emotion and mentality and your mindset is the most important part of your body to refine yourself. Set your mindset right, pray for your heart and soul for you to be free from the matrix and as well to open your chakras



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